
I'M HERE - The Emotional Care Deck That Feels Like a Hug!

Created by Murphy Pines

A warm & friendly deck of 50 cards that gently guide us through difficult emotions and challenges like a caring friend.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys going out TOMORROW!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 02:12:13 AM

Hello hello!

Thank you for your patience! After another week of tinkering and editing everything, I’ve been approved by backerkit and surveys are going out TOMORROW! 🎉🥳🎉

Excited to get everyone’s info and votes in! You will have till end of April before your pledges  are locked!


Pre-Orders NOW OPEN! Surveys out this week!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 11:35:45 PM

Hello everyone!

For those of you who missed the kickstarter, the pre-order store is NOW OPEN! 

To clarify, this is for those who DID NOT pledge on kickstarter and would like to order decks and other merch now. :)

You can also find the link on our kickstarter page!

For BACKERS, once you get your surveys, you will be able to add your shipping information, add more add-ons if you'd like, and vote on your favorite merch designs if you've ordered any as well! I'm hoping to get the surveys out by the end of this week! 

I'm told by Backerkit that their review and approval process will take about 1-2 business days, so as soon as I get the 'OK', I'll send them out!

Feel free to share the pre-order link with people who may have missed out on the kickstarter! :)

Thank you so much, you're all so wonderful and amazing and a deeply, deeply appreciate your support! I'm so excited to make and share these lovely decks with you all!

With love,


Quick Update on Backerkit Pre-order Page & Surveys
over 2 years ago – Sun, Mar 06, 2022 at 12:35:55 AM

Hello hello!

I was really hoping I could get the backerkit pages and surveys running and ready to go by today as I've announced in my last update, but I'm running into a handful of items that will take a few more days to process, including verification and getting everything approved by a backerkit representative before launching the pre-order and add-on page. As this is my first time doing anything like this, I want to take extra time and care to ensure that everything is good and ready.

I'm looking at one more week to get everything sorted, I hope that's okay! I truly appreciate your patience!

In the mean time, starting next week, I'll be personally messaging every backer who selected the Spirit Portrait Reward to set up a time to chat and talk about the portrait!

AND as promised, here are some snippets from the guidebook :)

The visual aspects of the design (font, layout) is not finalized yet, but I'm making good headway on the writing!

While sharing some of my thoughts and learnings, I would also like to make the guidebook as interactive and actionable as possible, like a workbook! I also want to include a wide range of techniques and tips, as different methods will work for different people. For example, some people might not be visual thinkers, and some people might be at a place where they feel less comfortable or ready to connect with their physical body.

These are meant to be jumping off points and suggestions for when you feel stuck. You can use the cards in any way that would be the most helpful to you, whether that's completely intuitive, following the guidebook or a fun mix of both. :)

Thanks for following along, I'm excited to share more soon, and I'll be keeping everyone updated about the surveys and pre-orders!



Surveys & Pre-Sales coming very soon! (March 4th)
over 2 years ago – Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 12:53:15 AM

Mark Your Calendars! 🎉

For those who missed the kickstarter, Pre-sales for both the I'M HERE deck and the stretch goal deck (now called THIS IS ME deck) will be launching March 4th! 

More Exciting News!

I've compiled all the stretch goal cards into a complete 45-card deck called THIS IS ME and it will come in a super cute two-piece box! 

Everyone who selected a physical reward on kickstarter will be getting one free deck, and if you'd like more of this deck, it'll be available for purchase on the backerkit page when it launches. :)

This deck could make a great tool for exploring and strengthening your sense of self and both the stable & shifting aspects of your identity as you navigate challenges and set intentions. Basically, it's a deck that helps you tell the story of who you are. 💖

The card backs and sides will match the I'M HERE Deck, so you'll be able to incorporate the cards together if you'd like! 

Box Artwork :)
Mockup of the box!
Card Designs - Matching backs as the I'M HERE deck

That's all for now! 

Hope you have a lovely week! :)

With love,


Update! 2/10/22
over 2 years ago – Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 07:02:31 PM

Hello lovely backers!

Backerkit & Easyship

I'm super excited to be working with Backerkit and Easyship to manage and fulfill rewards, add-ons and presales! Their teams have been walking me through the platforms and it's been a learning curve, but I'm getting there!

Hoping to get backerkit fully set up and surveys ready to go within the month. I'll keep you updated!

Pre-sales of the deck will be available to those who missed the kickstarter as well! :)

Guidebook & Digital Decks

As soon as I finish the guidebook and I finish finalizing the designs for printing, I should be able to send those digital decks out to everyone. Writing the guidebook is taking a bit longer to complete than expected, as I want to make sure it's written from the heart and also double and triple checked for both spelling errors and well-sourced information. 🤓I'll be sharing a couple of pages soon!!


I'll be reaching out to backers who chose the spirit portrait reward soon! 

For backers who chose the GIVE reward, I'll be reaching out to ask if you have an organization or community in mind that you'd like the donation to go to!

For the Canvas Bag and Pocket Notebook rewards, I'll be sending out a few designs in the survey to see which one is the most popular. 💖

Thank you all for following along and being part of this project! :)

