
I'M HERE - The Emotional Care Deck That Feels Like a Hug!

Created by Murphy Pines

A warm & friendly deck of 50 cards that gently guide us through difficult emotions and challenges like a caring friend.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

8 Days Left & 71% funded! + A Flip Through!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Jan 05, 2022 at 10:58:14 PM

Hello lovely backers! 💖

Hope everyone's been taking some little restful moments as we ease into the new year :)

We are down to the last 8 days in the campaign and it's looking really good! We're at 71% at the time of writing this update!

I made a flip through video of all the cards in the deck, so you can see all the cards! :)

If you're excited about this project and you're able to share about it, please share and post! It helps a lot in reaching more people who might be interested!

A friend of my reached out to me a couple of days ago and told me that she went to post a link to the campaign in her discord and found out that someone had already posted about it! AHHH I'm so excited the project is resonating with so many people! 

Again, I'm so, so grateful for all of you for backing and supporting this project, and we're so close to making it happen! SO CLOSE!


Also!! Here's a cute little animated gif, if you'd prefer to share as a gif! :)

Halfway Through! + New Exciting Features!
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Dec 31, 2021 at 04:36:09 PM

Hello Lovely Backers! 

Hope everyone's holiday season has been cozy and restful. It's been rainy here in LA and my cat Villanelle and I have been loving it!

Here's a slightly-past-the-midpoint midpoint update!

As of just now, we are 51% funded!

That's amazing!!!

AND NOW for some exciting updates!

Exciting News 1: Two-Piece Box

To clear up any confusion, I've created a clearer mockup of what the final product will look like! 

The depth of the box might vary depending on how thick the cards and booklet will be, but the box will be a rigid two-piece box, rather than a tuck box.

Rigid Two-Piece Box

Exciting News 2: Holo Edges

I've decided to add Holo Edges to the cards!

I feel like it would add a lovely magic to the feel of the deck. :)

Holographic Edge Finish

As always, I'm so grateful for your support and I'm so excited for us to make this lovely little deck happen!

Share & Post! <3

If you're excited about this project, it would really really help if you can post about this project and share it with your friends and loved ones! The more people know about it, the faster it'll get funded! 

Maybe we can even meet some stretch goals! I'd love to draw some fun zodiac sign cards, planet cards & more! :D

We're past halfway!! Let's gooo!!!

Thank you so much and Happy New Year! <3

Reward Description Discrepancies
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 06:47:53 AM

Hello all! 

Hope everyone has been having a warm holiday season :)

I got some valuable feedback about the reward 'description sections' and the 'includes sections' were not matching up, and some people have found it confusing!


the “Connect-Pledge” says:

Gift it to yourself and a friend + 2 pocket notebooks + 2 pins!"

But the “Includes section" just below it says: "2x I’M HERE DECKS”.


Apologies for the messiness there! Sadly, I'm unable to change the 'includes section' of the reward tiers anymore as there are already backers, but I can confirm and clarify here that the 'Descriptions Section' of the rewards are the accurate list of rewards, rather than the 'Includes Section'.

ALSO I'm SO excited to say that we're now 45% funded!! I'm so grateful and awed at the support I've had for this project to come to fruition, and I really hope this will become a source of gentle care for many :)

I deeply appreciate all the helpful feedback from everyone, it has made me campaign and project infinitely better, so please keep them coming!

Lots of Love,


Lower Shipping Cost option for Pocket Notebook Add-on
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 12:40:26 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.