
I'M HERE - The Emotional Care Deck That Feels Like a Hug!

Created by Murphy Pines

A warm & friendly deck of 50 cards that gently guide us through difficult emotions and challenges like a caring friend.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Digital Decks are now included for all physical rewards!
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 05:56:35 AM

Hello! Quick update! :)

If you chose a physical reward and added the digital deck as an add-on, you can cancel it! 

I will be including the digital deck for all physical reward backers. 

There are currently 17 backers with the add-on and once everyone cancels, I'll be removing the add-on option!

Thank you so much!


Lisa Papez Walk Through & The Celestial Set!
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 05:56:31 AM

Haha, the title sounds like a great band name! 🎸

More Exciting Updates!


Lisa Papez just posted the LOVELIEST, SWEETEST walk through of the deck with the prototype I sent her!

Also look at how well the backdrop matches the cover! AHHHHH Go watch the video it's so much fun and she even pairs I'M HERE up with some other amazing decks!

If you haven't already, go subscribe!! Her videos are just the best! Her bright, warm and sparkly energy will just light up your day!


We just unlocked the...


The Sun! The Moon! The Planets! (and maybe even include our little dwarf planet friend pluto ;P)

Did a quick sketch of Neptune last night!


Plants And Flowers Set unlocked!
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 05:53:01 AM

We‘ve unlocked Plants & Flowers!!! So excited to draw some cute little plants and flowers :)

There will be around 8-10 cards in this set!

I can’t believe we’ve reached 4 of our stretch goals!! With one more day left, maaaybe we could meet the last stretch goal? Enneagrams are pretty cool :D

Either way, it’s INCREDIBLE that we’ve made it this far! I can’t wait to share some beautiful decks with everyone! We all made this happen together, so thank you! :)

Let’s make this last sprint to the finish line a fun one! ☺️🎉🎉 


Moved The Last Sprint Goal Closer :)
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 05:52:43 AM

Hello hello wonderful backers!

Pass 40k to unlock enneagrams!

I’ve decided to move the final stretch goal much closer! 

We now only have to get past 40,000 to unlock the final set! 

I never imagined we’d even get this far! 😊✨ I’m already so happy where we are and I’d rather celebrate that! :) This way, everyone gets the extra enneagram cards in the same card type and style! 🎉🎉

Spirit portrait add-ons!

Also forgot to mention earlier that I’m offering spirit portraits as an add-on!

These are custom digital portraits I’ll draw after a 30 min chat with you to set intentions and capture you in your most glowing self :) This is an exclusive deal for kickstarter backers, at 50% my usual rate for portrait commissions 😊

Here’s an example I did of my brother, Ben!

Ben is one of the most generous and genuine people I know. His honesty and openness lets me know I can trust on him no matter what. He is bold and courageous when it comes to the people and issues he loves and cares about, and his resilient and defiant softness and kindness in the face of anything is a huge part of what I think makes him such an extraordinary human being. I also wanted to capture his playful, goofy spirit and he loves boba and has a very cute dog named Lina.

almost 3 years ago – Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 11:08:17 AM

Hello Everyone!!

We reached our goal last night!! AHHH I've got so many exciting new updates!

Thank you so much for your patience for this super late update, I was so energized by the whole thing that I celebrated last night by cleaning my apartment until 4am 😅 But I am now up and running and thinking of next steps as we celebrate together!


Lisa Papez spoke about the I'M HERE deck on her January 2022 Hot Takes this morning!! She said the loveliest things about the deck and since then, so many more wonderful backers have joined the campaign and we've now blazed past TWO STRETCH GOALS!

I can't believe it!! She was so kind and reached out to me and offered to help, so I sent her a prototype of the deck and she might do a walkthrough of it tomorrow ;)


If you haven't already, please go and subscribe for just the most delightfully funny, joyful and insightful videos about tarot, witchcraft and self worth. :)



We've unlocked:

  • The Astrology Set
  • The Elementals Set

How It'll Work:

Everyone with a physical reward will also be getting the unlocked extra cards as well. 

If we end up unlocking an extra 40 cards with the stretch goals,  it probably would not fit into the main box with the rest of the cards, so I will be looking into packaging and design options for the extra cards! It may end up becoming something like a cute little extension kit! :)



I started a discord, if you'd like to join a community of like-minded lovely people interested in emotional healing, spirituality, tarot and all sorts of nerdy things!

Other exciting things coming up:

I'll be sending out surveys soon to pick favorite designs for notebooks and canvas bags. :)

More questions and ideas may come up as we continue this journey together! Your feedback and suggestions made this campaign infinitely better and I appreciate them so much, so if anything comes up, please keep 'em coming!


I drew something to express the gratitude and love and warmth I felt throughout this journey!

Thank you so much for supporting this project and I'm so excited to get these decks made to share with you all! :)

With Love,

Murphy 🖤